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Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The 5 Best Crunch Exercises


I can not tell crunches fitness you how many times people come to me and ask me: "What ab exercises should I do to get good abs" And whenever I'm confused because n ' there is none. Doing a lot of sit-ups abdominal exercises crunches (or any other kind of ab exercise), you will get about 2 inches sexy abs ab crunches exercises. You have a six pack at the moment, it is the natural shape of the muscles . However, chances are that you crunches fitness can not see because there is too much fat between the skin and the abdominal muscles. If you want a good belly, abdomen slimming and have nothing to do with getting lean abdominal exercises crunches.

Why crunches have nothing to do with getting lean

They crunches fitness fall into a category called "isolation exercises" and when it comes to fat loss, isolation exercises are pretty much worthless crunches fitness (they are better than watching abdominal exercises crunches television, but it is all). Isolation exercises are exercises designed to target a muscle, such as ab crunches exercises bicep curls, tricep extensions, calf raises, leg extensions, etc. all varieties of each. The problem is that these exercises are trying to work a muscle or body part at a time. This is delayed abdominal exercises crunches for at least one reason to go crunches fitness:

Little or no result:

If crunches fitness you want to burn fat (grow or become a better athlete, for that matter) you want to hire as many muscles as possible at once, because they want to consume as much energy as possible during abdominal exercises crunches training and create the greatest possible Afterburn (the Afterburn is increased ab crunches exercises post-workout metabolism crunches fitness, which can last up to 36 hours, which is only a program, resistance training well-designed and / or interval training, not aerobic training) abdominal exercises crunches.

Example crunches fitness: leg extension against Squat. The leg extension, seated on a machine that stabilizes the hip and back, and then straighten the knee (as in a competition to sit ass-shots). He hit a group of muscles ab crunches exercises - the muscles of the front of the thigh crunches fitness (quadriceps) abdominal exercises crunches. This is maybe 8 or 9% of the muscle mass of your body.

Crunches fitness In a squat, keeping a load on the back, shoulders or hands, and you squat - like sitting in a chair without using your hands. In a squat to reach muscles in your feet in front of her calves, the back of the calves, inner and outer thighs (you can omit the machine thigh inside / outside now), before and back of the thigh, buttocks, crunches fitness abdomen (more than in a crisis) abdominal exercises crunches, and all the way crunches fitness down your back. You hit about 80% of your body's muscles at a time, or get a 1,000% increase in the same period of time. Basically, you can do 10 isolation exercises for the benefit of only doing squats. Better yet, you can do squats, push-ups, lifts ab crunches exercises (see also stimulate the heart of a crisis never will), and the lines abdominal exercises crunches hit the entire body and actually burn fat, and get over 30min. multi-joint exercises that you could do two hours of isolation crunches fitness.

(Side note: The isolation exercises are also pretty fucking useless for muscle growth If you are a man, you can be kidnapped in 3 days per week, if you follow the dead-lifts, squats, chin-ups, push press-ups, etc.. abdominal exercises crunches in a well designed program.) crunches fitness

Get lean:

I think almost all the articles I have written so far have focused on getting (fat loss) skinny, but I'll summarize:

# 1. Burn more calories than you consume:

This is the golden rule of fat loss - which can only be broken if you want to make progress at all. Excess calories are stored primarily in fat cells abdominal exercises crunches. Your body will have no reason to access is "savings account" until it is in a debt of calories. This is common sense plays an important role crunches fitness:

* When you go to a restaurant, you do not need to eat the bread basket, you do not need 3 cups (or more than one, actually), you probably do not need a snack (especially fried one) and is almost certainly no dessert is necessary more than once a week, unless you are interested in using this food abdominal exercises crunches in the stomach and /  crunches fitness or hips and thighs.

* Do you drink OJ every day? Stop. Eat an orange real place. Orange actually has some nutritional value, such as fiber, and will save you about 180 calories per day in standard glass OJ. Crunches fitness That could change training 18 pounds of fat lost in a year! (OJ has as much sugar as non soda, no, it's "ok" because its "natural" - whatever it is, sugar is one of the biggest culprits in the abdominal exercises crunches manufacture of fat cells grow ) crunches fitness.

This does not mean starving yourself, however. This will probably do more harm than good, and if your metabolism is blocked and / or send binge to end all binges - like the one that killed your last diet.

# 2. Increase your metabolism and keep your muscle crunches fitness

Nothing new here, lifting weights and doing intervals. If you are interested in fat loss, prevent the loss of a portion of your time in the gym with aerobic exercises - are almost worthless in the short term crunches fitness, and counterproductive in the long term. Aerobic training stimulates the muscles to contract, which will slow down your metabolism in the long term. And elevation intervals of abdominal exercises crunches 3 or 4 days per week (2.5 to 3.5hrs/week total) burn a lot of calories during the workout, and 24 to 36 hours after your workout crunches fitness.

# 3. The icing on the cake:

If 1 and 2 are the cake and then No crunches fitness. 3 is the icing - the later, however, the bonus, or does not make sense at all to do until you've taken care of your foundation (1 and 2). The icing on the cake are the exercises for your kernel (the core of his being the muscles of the abdomen, each of them) crunches fitness. To work extra base can be beneficial for a number of reasons, including giving you a slight advantage to have a waist, even better than the No. 1 and 2 provide alone. PD not eat much cake would almost deny No. 1, but I already knewcrunches fitness.


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